
Ending a marriage has the possibility for long-term consequences. Property and debt distribution, child custody rulings, child support obligations, and spousal support obligations contains both financial and personal impacts. Even if you know divorce is the correct decision for you, there is still a need to proceed carefully and thoughtfully.

magnifying glass on paper that says divorce

The Law Office of Keith P. Allen, LLC approaches your divorce with all these factors in mind. Rather than leave you on your own to make possibly hasty decisions, we educate you on possible impacts so you make well-informed decisions rather than those based on emotion. You will feel reassured that while this is not a perfect situation, you did the best you could with the information available. That is the basis of moving forward with your life.

Located in Scott County, Missouri and serving all of Southeast Missouri, our law office is prepared to offer empathetic and knowledgeable guidance in your divorce case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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